Available courses

Agricultural Marketing

Agricultural Marketing

A course thhat covers aspects of Marketing of Agricultural produce

Agribusiness and Farm Management Project

Agribusiness and Farm Management Project

The student is expected to propose and implement a research project that will be objectively assessed as a way of stimulating problem solving and research skills in learners.

Land Use Planning

Land Use Planning

A course that covers aspects of  Land Use Planning

Farm Budgeting and Project Development

Farm Budgeting and Project Development

The course deals in fundamentals of preparing budgets of Agricultural commodities and development of projects that need costing and estimations of costs before committing scarce resources

Agricultural Marketing and Legislation
Aidah ChidlamakonhoConstance Nyaruwata

Agricultural Marketing and Legislation

A course that covers aspects of Marketing of Agricultural Produce and  Legislation pertaining agriculture. 

Agribusiness and Farm Management Project

Agribusiness and Farm Management Project

A course that covers aspects  Research in Agribusiness and Farm Management problems.

Land Use Planning

Land Use Planning

The course is a selected project from any one of the four disciplines to be executed by the learners in their final year as partial fulfillment to attaining a a diploma qualification in Agriculture.

Agricultural Extension

Agricultural Extension

•The course is designed to enable first year students to acquire skills of teaching adults, use different extension methods and program planning. The course provides basic principles of adult learning, communications skills, rural sociology, extension methods, rural and youth in agriculture.

Agricultural Economics

Agricultural Economics

Agricultural Economics introduces students to agricultural economic principles that includes both Macro and Micro economic issues.

Farm Business and Agri-preneurship

Farm Business and Agri-preneurship

Farm Business and Entrepreneurship equips students with farm business management skills where a student is supposed to undertake a project. 

Poultry Production

Poultry Production

A course that covers aspects of Poultry Production and Management.

Cereal Production

Cereal Production

A course that covers production and management  aspects  of all cereal crops 

Production of High Value Crops

Production of High Value Crops

A course that covers production and management of high value crops,



A course that covers production and management of horticultural field and protected crops.

Cash and Plantation Crops

Cash and Plantation Crops

A course that covers production of cash crops and plantations such tea, coffee and trees.

Introduction to High Value Crops and export Markets

Introduction to High Value Crops and export Markets

A course which covers the aspects of High Value Crops and their Export Markets.

Crop Production  Project

Crop Production Project

A project in crop Production 

Crop Protection

Crop Protection

A course which deals with Crop Protection

Principles of Crop Scince

Principles of Crop Scince

A course which covers aspects of Crop Scince

Principles of Crop Production

Principles of Crop Production

A course which covers basic aspects of crop production

Rangeland , Wildlife Management

Rangeland , Wildlife Management

A course which covers aspects of Rangeland Management, Wildlife and Fish Farming.

Dairy Science and Technology

Dairy Science and Technology

A course which covers aspects of dairy science and technology

Beef Production and Abattoir Science

Beef Production and Abattoir Science

A course which covers aspects of Beef production, and Abattoir science.

Animal Breeding and Animal Health

Animal Breeding and Animal Health

A course which covers aspects of Animal Breeding and Animal Health.

Animal Production Project

Animal Production Project

A course that covers Mini-Research concepts in Animal Production

Small Stock production

Small Stock production

A course which covers of piggery, rabbitry and  poultry

Principles of Animal Science

Principles of Animal Science

The course which covers  aspects of animal science 

Main Research Project 2

Main Research Project 2

A course that covers aspects of Research problems associated with Agriculture.

Main Research Project

Main Research Project

A course that covers aspects of Research  of problems associated with Agriculture.

Farm/Industrial Attachment

Farm/Industrial Attachment

Farm and Industrial attachment is a 9 moth period where by a learner is exposed to work related learning at approved farms/organization in their second year.

Academic and Professional Communication Skills

Academic and Professional Communication Skills

A course that covers aspects of academic writing and professional business communication skills

Agriculture and Environment

Agriculture and Environment

The course concertizes learners on doing sustainable agricultural practices and preserve natural resources such as water, soil forests and wildlife for the good of mankind.

Human health, Food and Nutrition Security

Human health, Food and Nutrition Security

The course touches on relationships between food production , nutrition and health issues that are associated with food production ,storage and preparation to ensure a productive and health population.

Gorvernance, Ethics and Heritage Studies

Gorvernance, Ethics and Heritage Studies

The course prepares learners to appreciate and uphold governance, ethics and heritage studies in order to avoid conflicts with societies which they will interact with at farms and organizations after leaving college.

Gender Studies and Occupational Health and Safety

Gender Studies and Occupational Health and Safety

The course sensitizes students on gender and occupational health issues at work places

Reseach and Innovation Skills

Reseach and Innovation Skills

The course empowers students too acquire innovative and Creative skills in solving Agricultural problems  and challenges.

ICTs and Computer Applications in Agriculture (e-Agriculture

ICTs and Computer Applications in Agriculture (e-Agriculture

The courses covers general Computer application in Agriculture

Post Harvest Handling Processes and Marketing of High Value Crops

Post Harvest Handling Processes and Marketing of High Value Crops

A course that covers aspects of Post Harvest Handling, Processing and  Marketing of High Value crops

Post Harvest Technology

Post Harvest Technology

A course that covers skills of operating and maintenance of farm machinery.

Farm Machinery

Farm Machinery

A course that covers skills of operating and maintenance of farm machinery.

Farm Power
Aidah Chidlamakonho

Farm Power

A cover that covers Farm Power such tractor traction, draft power.

Agricultural Engineering Project(Fabrication)

Agricultural Engineering Project(Fabrication)

A course that cover research concepts and fabrication skills  in Agricultural Engineering. Student design some models.

Irrigation and Drainage Engineering

Irrigation and Drainage Engineering

A course that covers the concepts  of irrigation systems and water drainage systems

Principles of Agricultural Engineering

Principles of Agricultural Engineering

A course that covers basic principles and concepts of engineering.

Farm Structures

Farm Structures

A course which covers construction, maintenence and management of farm structures

Irrigation Management

Irrigation Management

A course that covers aspects of Irrigation installation, operation and management. It is a complex process of art and science involving application of water from source to crop field. The source may be a river, a well, a canal, a tank, a lake or a pond.

Farm Mechanization and Structures
Pauline Mhondiwa

Farm Mechanization and Structures

A course that covers aspects of Farm Machinery and Farm Buildings

Farm Power

Farm Power

A course that covers aspects of Tractor Traction nd Draft Power

Poultry Production
Munyaradzi Murungweni

Poultry Production

This course offers students a hands-on access to poultry production while providing strong, science-based information to prepare them for careers in the poultry industry. Students will learn how to apply feeding programs for meat, laying birds and breeders and how feeding affects poultry meat and egg composition. 

Apiculture and Aquaculture

Apiculture and Aquaculture

This course encompasses fish, bee and rabbit production. It aims to equip students with necessary skills to establish and effectively manage these enterprises. It covers different breeds of fish, rabbits and bees and their ability to be raised on a variety of feedstuff. It has a strong bias towards understanding how the production systems of these species can enhance the nutritional status of the nation

Small Stock Production( Pig, Goat, Sheep and Rabbitry)
Munyaradzi MurungweniSimba Nyama

Small Stock Production( Pig, Goat, Sheep and Rabbitry)

This course encompasses pig, goat, sheep and rabbit production. It aims to equip students with necessary skills to establish and effectively manage these enterprises. It covers different breeds  and their ability to be raised on a variety of feedstuff. It has a strong bias towards understanding how the production systems of these species can enhance the nutritional status of the nation. In this course the principles for the successful management of small stock (comparative breed evaluation, breeding, feeding and management) are discussed. 

Beef Cattle and Dairy Production
Tsindi Ruramai

Beef Cattle and Dairy Production

This course aims to introduce students to fundamental concepts and principles of beef cattle and dairy production. It will integrate principles of nutrition, breeding, physiology, routine management and marketing into complete production and management programs.

Cash Crops( tobacco, cotton,sugarcane,sesame, tubers and sweet potatoes)
Aidah ChidlamakonhoErica Nyamukusa

Cash Crops( tobacco, cotton,sugarcane,sesame, tubers and sweet potatoes)

A course that covers aspects of production and management of Cash Crops.

Flower Production
Lawrence Gweshe

Flower Production

Floriculture or flower farming is a discipline of horticulture concerned with the cultivation of flowering and ornamental plants for gardens and floristry, comprising the floral industry. It includes the production, distribution, and processing of flowering and foliage plants.Cut flowers are flowers sold in bunches or as bouquets with cut foliage. 

Pulses and Nuts (sugarbean, roundnuts and cowpeas)
Aidah ChidlamakonhoSimba Nyama

Pulses and Nuts (sugarbean, roundnuts and cowpeas)

A course that covers aspects of production and management of Pulses and Nuts. Pulses and nuts are a major staple food crop in in most African country, especially in dry areas. The seeds are a major source of plant proteins and vitamins for man as well as feed for animals, and also a source of cash income.

Fruit Production and Plantation
Aidah ChidlamakonhoLackson Mudare

Fruit Production and Plantation

A course that covers aspects of production and management of Fruit and Plantation crops.

Oil Seed Production(soyabeans, sunflower and groundnuts)
Aidah ChidlamakonhoPaurina Mazonde

Oil Seed Production(soyabeans, sunflower and groundnuts)

A course that  covers aspects of Oil Seeds production and management

Vegetable and Mushroom Production
Lawrence GwesheLackson Mudare

Vegetable and Mushroom Production

A course that  covers aspects of Vegetable and Mushroom production and management

Cereal Production( Maize, Sorghum, Wheat and Barley
Lawrence Gweshe

Cereal Production( Maize, Sorghum, Wheat and Barley

A course that covers aspects of production and management of cereal crops.

Agricultural Marketing
Vimbai Zirenga

Agricultural Marketing

A course that covers the marketing of agricultural produce. 

Farm Planning and Management
Sharon Nzira

Farm Planning and Management

A course that covers aspects of planning farm operations, financial and resource. It covers farm management, decision making and implementing of the decision involved in organizing and operating a farm from maximum production and profit making. Farm management draws an agricultural economics for information on prices, markets and agricultural policies.

Farm Communication and Computer Application
Constance Nyaruwata

Farm Communication and Computer Application

A course that covers aspects of Farm Communication and Computer Skills in Agriculture. It focuses on Information and communication technology in agriculture (ICT in agriculture), e-agriculture. It focuses on the enhancement of agricultural and rural development through improved information and communication processes. All aspects of communication skills– speaking, listening, reading, and writing confidence in articulating and sharing their ideas about themselves, their work, their research, and their culture are thought.